A Stranger Love (Adult content over 18)
“To be naked is to be oneself. To be nude is to be seen naked by others and yet not recognised for oneself. A naked body has to be seen as an object in order to become nude. Nakedness reveals itself, nudity is to be placed on display. To be naked is to be without disguise. To be on display is to have to the surface of one’s own skin, there hairs of one’s own body, turned into a disguise which, in that situation, can never be discarded. The nude is condemned to never being naked. Nudity is a form of dress.” ~ John Burger – Ways of Seeing A stranger Love is looking at the quick fix relationships of sex with strangers. It shows sexual activity in a different light. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of raw plain sex with strangers, preferring to associate it with love and relationships, others are able to separate themselves from the Romanic side and concentrate on the sexual act in itself. They un attach themselves for that period of time. There is a fine line between fantasy and reality and although many fantasise about sex with strangers and having more than one partner, not many can cope with the reality. I did not want to show this in a pornographic way; I wanted to show the understanding of no strings attached, short term love. While here, these people are not being judged for immoral behaviour, they all share the same need but for different reasons. There is no need for the self-consciousness and expectations as they are unlikely to speak to each other again.